Friday, August 15, 2008

Health Insurance Myths

Let the myths about health insurance begin: It's too expensive. It's impossible to be self-employed and get good Montana health insurance plans. I have to have a job with full benefits to be properly insured. All I can afford is a shell of a plan that covers only catastrophes. If I make sure my children are properly insured, I'll have to forgo coverage for myself and take my chances.

As a Montana health insurance professional, I have heard just about every (often largely unfounded) reason for why folks think they cannot afford quality health insurance. Perhaps it's based on what politicians promise and argue over, maybe it's just a case of "everyone says it's so," or maybe it's fostered on us from doom and gloom from the media. Whatever the underlying reason, many are the misconceptions regarding the issue.

The truth of the matter is that medical insurance, when you seek the guidance of a proper agency, can be relatively affordable. Being properly insured will provide you the peace of mind you deserve, knowing you and your loved ones are covered in the event of an illness or injury. What's more, it is also possible to secure Montana health insurance plans that include well care, which is vital to people with children so as to provide regular checkups, immunizations, and other care. And the list goes on of the superb options that exist to get the affordable health care that you and your family deserve... and now is the time to get it. Tragedy can hit at any time. You must be ready.

Ensure you find Blue Cross health insurance plans in Montana where the agent has been successful in writing policies for folks with preexisting conditions and other issues that present challenges. While such policies, of course, necessarily command higher premiums, with the help of a good Blue Cross Blue Shield Montana agent it is possible for higher-risk clients to become properly insured. That is to say, everyone has options.


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