Monday, June 18, 2007

Spending more time with computer ups aches and pains problems

The more time college students spend on the computer on a particular day, the more likely they are to suffer from musculoskeletal problems during that 24-hour period, a new study shows (From Yahoo News).

However, because of the small size of the study -- just 27 students participated -- it was not possible to determine whether particular patterns of usage or postures made musculoskeletal problems more likely.

During the study, which was conducted during three one-week periods during the spring semester, 96% of the students reported some type of musculoskeletal problem at least once. About half the time, pain involved the neck, while the lower back, upper back and shoulders were the next most common pain sites.

Students who averaged three or more hours on the computer each day were 50% more likely to have musculoskeletal symptoms, the researchers found. Those with the highest daily computer use time were nearly twice as likely to have these problems as those with the lowest computer time, although this relationship wasn't significant from a statistical standpoint.

"The observed high musculoskeletal symptom prevalence and the potential relationship between computer usage and symptoms suggested that further research is needed to protect the student population," the researchers conclude, calling for longer-term, larger studies that also examine students' posture at the computer and other potential musculoskeletal pain risk factors.


M said...

Oh my.This is bad news forme as I work at the computer for most of the day!

We really need to take stretching breaks every few minutes.

silentsurfur said...

Hello Brad,

I have added your blog to my links.
All In One


Dearly Beloved Brad:

Greetings once again!

I can see that you talk about health matters which is something crucial if I must say for the 21st Century being and beyond. You are doing an awesome work here and the piece of advise I have for you also is to simply keep the work up!

Remain blessed and a blessing.

We shall communicate again soon if God is willing.

Olakunle Solomon Fatoye.

Goto today!

Adrian said...

Oh, this is so true. I work on a computer for around 12 hours a day and I have found that every 2-3 hours it is great to just get up, walk and do some squats or push ups. It really helps

Unknown said...

So funny to be reading this blog. My neck and back are aching as I write this. Too many hours at the office this week! Feel free to check out my fitness blog: