Thursday, December 13, 2007

Healthy Lifestyle Suggestions

Skincare Suggestions

Use only all-natural ingredients

-Choose natural skin care products because they're the best for your skin. Synthetic and unnatural ingredients are harsh, irritating, harmful to your skin and potentially hazardous to your health. If you have splotchy skin use a line and pore Minimizer.

Rinse well

-After shaving or face washing, use a warm washcloth to remove deep residues and gently exfoliate the skin.

Cooler is better

-Water that's very hot can burn and dry out your skin. For best results, keep the temperature warm but not too hot.

Watch your eyes

-The thin skin just around the eye area is delicate and should be treated likewise. Avoid harsh rubbing or scrubbing and keep cleansing to a minimum.

Lifestyle Suggestions

Stop smoking

-Cigarettes and other tobacco products wreak havoc on your inner beauty and external skin. Weathered, rough skin is a clear sign of a smoker. Cigarette smoking is a tough habit to break - but the benefits far outweigh the temporary inconvenience of tobacco cravings. Want to makes sure your loved ones have really stopped smoking, order a nicotine test"

Get plenty of sleep

-Your body needs to heal after a hard day's work. Sleep is the time your skin can rejuvenate and repair any damage. Robbing your body of sleep will show on your face and body, as well as impact your health.

Avoid the heat

-Not only does excess heat dry out your system, it can damage your skin. This includes constant direct sunlight exposure (protect with an SPF lotion!), high temperatures in your home, car, or office, the overuse of a heating pad or electric blanket, staying too close to a fireplace, and other sources of dry, damaging heat.

Be Drug-Free

-Drugs cloud your mind, your employees minds and are damaging to your help. Stay natural and make sure your children and loved ones are drug free. You may order rapid drug test kits to test your employees to make sure they are maintaining a drug free and natural lifestyle.

Nutrition Suggestion

Eat green

-The amazing properties of green vegetables are countless! From phytonutrients to live enzymes (in uncooked or dehydrated foods), these health-enhancing compounds can make you feel and look years younger!

Slow down the salt

-Sodium dries up your skin. It dehydrates your body and puts stress on vital organs. If you feel a craving for salty foods, try eating seaweeds (dulse, kelp, wakame, and others), naturally sodium-rich plants from the sea. They can be found in local health food stores, organic supermarkets, and Asian specialty shops.

Drink water

-A great source of hydration, water is often overlooked or replaced by soda, coffee, sugary juices, and other inferior beverages. Your skin loves water so drink to your health!

Stay far away from fast food

-An American favorite, fast food chains are the death to your health and skin. From unwanted calories to cholesterol, fat, and chemical ingredients, take along a healthful snack to stave off your appetite until you can make a better meal choice.

There are many ways to reduce signs of aging and improve the appearance of your skin. Remember, your skin is a mirror of your overall health, so when it looks better, you're doing better!

If you have a skincare tip or tool that you'd like to share, please contact Shawn Kilgarlin.

She is the founder of and a writer for She writes Christian Articles, loves mens kkin and knows how to stay healthy. She is an avid writer and loves life. Shawn is Chair Elect for Shreveport Chamber of Commerce and has 2 Children Isabella, and Cody. She is married to Ron Kilgarlin. Shawn writes articles for the healthcare industry and performs SEO consulting.


Claudio Timber said...

beat an egg white and smooth evenly over the section of large pores. wait until it dries to wash off. repeat once a week until pores are small. and apply moisturizer. pores on face